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JANUARY: The Intuitive Gangster: Mega-Manifestor of the Month!

Updated: Jan 8, 2018

Meet Jenna G, our Mega-Manifestor of the Month! Jenna is a mom to a beautiful 3 year old daughter, a certified Master yoga instructor, a certified Pilates teacher, and has a background in boxing and cycling. She is the co-owner of Buddha Shack Yoga in Coconut Grove, where she has weaved her passion for all fitness and spirituality into one dynamic workout she calls the "Buddha Burn". She often holds events on the art of manifesting, visualization and meditation. Passionate about the healing aspects of yoga, she sits on the board of Connection Coalition- a non profit that send yoga teachers into detentions centers, jails, eating disorder facilities and halfway houses. Soon to attend Shaman school, her goal is to bring health and wellness to her community and clients both spiritually and physically - transforming them inside out. You're going to love her as much as we do!

What is your earliest memory of manifesting something into reality?

I think I have always been strong in my mind/visualizations - my clearest memory was around 17 when I was competing in a beauty pageant. I used to sit and visualize myself answering questions, how I would feel wearing the crown, connecting my emotions with the outcome. Speaking and acting like it had already happened and I was already holding the prize in my possession. In my mind, it was a done deal and I never thought for one second that I wouldn't be the winner. Of course, I walked out that day as the 2007 Ms. Pennsylvania USA - it was my first pageant ever, I was there with girls who had made this their entire lives.

What are your daily rituals for manifesting and meditation?

I wake up every morning at 5:45am to write my goals, visualize myself in possession of those goals- journal 10 things I am grateful for and move through a short 15 min yoga practice (I do a full practice 3-5 days a week)

What is your best piece of advice for those who struggle with manifesting?

To start slow and not judge. I started with writing 5 goals I wanted to achieve and focused on that. I didn't put too much pressure on myself, but once I saw myself attain 1 or 2 of those goals it gave me the confidence that this shit works! I now focus on 10 specific things that I want to bring into reality and focus on that, consistency is key.

What do you do to avoid negative thoughts and fears when it comes to manifesting?

I always tell people, I am so far from a ray of sunshine all the time, just because I do this practice and work on myself daily doesn't mean I don't have negative thoughts and feelings or want to punch people in the face. The best advice I can tell people is to feel the emotion, whether or not it be negative or fearful. Recognizing where your frustrations and fears lie is very informative for your journey. Most of the time it is a mirror to what's inside or things you don't like about yourself. Try to move into those uncomfortable spots to grow, and when all else fails - take a flywheel class and scream your face off - I know an awesome teacher ;)

What is your favorite book/books in regards to manifesting, positive thinking, spirituality, etc?

I live for any and everything Ester and Jerry Hicks. It's woohoo AF but man, it changed my life. I'm obsessed with Brian Tracy if you want a more "business" like approach. Think Rich and Grow Rich you should get up right now start to read, if you google it you can actually get it on PDF on your phone or IPad.

What are your favorite crystals/stones to use for meditation/manifesting?

I always have a rose and clear quarts with me, they are so universal - representing all kinds of love and good universal energy. I also have an unhealthy attachment with my jade, amazing for manifesting money and business success.

What is your biggest accomplishment that you credit to the power of manifestation?

My YOGA studio!!! I knew for the last 4 years I wanted to own a yoga studio, I wasn't ever sure why, because I was so happy teaching pilates, boxing and spinning (intuition is a bitch you should listen to) but signs kept coming to me, I visualized it, I prayed about it, I meditated on it, I prepared for it and I spoke about it. It's really funny because my irreplaceable front desk manager and I worked together at another gym 3 years ago, and I always told her she would be with me at my yoga studio, she laughed at the time, she's been working with me since the day we opened our doors, because of that she is also a manifesting MOFO.


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